Propane vaporizers are mechanical devices that convert liquid propane (LPG) to propane gas. Essentially, a propane vaporizer is a boiler that heats the liquid propane to the point where the propane turns to gas. Propane vaporizers are used in many industrial settings. For example, a business may need to convert…
Articles Posted in Fire / burn malpractice
Surgical Fire Malpractice
An Illinois woman has died six days after a surgical fire during an operation at a hospital. The hospital has acknowledged in a statement that the fire happened but won’t offer specifics. The medical examiner’s office says the woman died from complications of thermal burns, and her death is listed…
Surgical Fire / Surgery Fire – Medical Malpractice
Today, MSNBC ran a story about Operating Room fires. The article states that the latest data reveals about 600 cases annually. These fires, sometimes called surgery fires or surgical fires, are completely preventable occurrences. I have successfully handled a number of these cases, including operative room burns and unintended surgical…
Nursing Home Fire – Medical Malpractice
The family of a man killed last week in an Illinois nursing home fire has filed a lawsuit alleging that staff at the Hampton Plaza Health Care Centre were not equipped to handle the fire. Investigators have not yet determined the cause of the fire. Fires involving elderly or disabled…